“Beneficial Point Concerning Research” – Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramzan Al-Hajiri

Beneficial Point Concerning Research

By Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree

Translated by:

Akram an-Najdee

The Shaykh حفظه الله said:


“Regarding the issue of research, one time we were with the Shaykh (May Allaah make him from Ahl al Jannah) Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee [Al-Waadi’ee]. So he asked us about a Hadeeth. We were in a library that was like… the library of Shaykh Riyadh was bigger than this one, and this was the middle of the Masjid and behind it was the library. He said, “Hadeeth such and such, search where is this Hadeeth.” I went straight away to Saheeh Al Jaami’ and Da’eef al Jaami’, because it is… -mashaAllaah- Shaykh Naasir (may Allaah make him from Ahl al Jannah) placed everything perfectly. I found the Hadeeth, so I said it was reported by so and so and it said such and such.


His (Shaykh Muqbil’s) voice was very unique, [Shaykh Muhammad imitates the way that Shaykh Muqbil used to speak]:


“So it’s like this? You think you can find it so fast? Research the Hadeeth with the books that are the [original] places of research and you will find benefits that will lead to more benefits. Perhaps you will not find these benefits when you searched quickly. These fahaaris (table of contents, bibliographies) have taught the students of knowledge laziness. O our brothers! Research a hadeeth, so sit for days and you may not find this hadeeth, however you will find many benefits until you find it [the hadeeth]. And now one of you come and open the bibliographies/contents and you find the hadeeth!”


This is how the Shaykh was, may Allaah have Mercy upon him.


And what do we have now… Google and these search tools, how is it now to research something. These electronic sources are not to be used as reference points or a reliable source. It is not a reliable source and it has many mistakes in it.

Source: Sharh Ma’aarij Al Qabool, Saturday 28, April, 2012