“Refuting the Students of Knowledge” By Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzaan

Refuting the Students of Knowledge

By Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al Fawzaan

Translated by:

Akram Abdul Qaadir As-Saylanee an-Najdee




It has become apparent among many people that they take charge in refuting the students of knowledge which has manifested splitting and differing, so what is your statement on this?


Refuting the one who differs is imperative. However, the one who refutes is who? The ones who refute are the scholars. The ones who take charge of refutation are the scholars. The refutation should have two affairs:

1) With knowledge, and 2) with good manners.

(Allah says:) “And debate them with that which is best“. This is is refutation, or rather this is the method of refutation. Yes. These are in important issues, as for the issues that are not important and the people are not in need of them, then don’t turn to it.