Tajreed Asma’ as-Sahabah | تجريد أسماء الصحابة

Tajreed Asmaa as Sahaabah
Tajreed Asmaa as Sahaabah
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Title: Tajreed Asma’ as-Sahabah | تجريد أسماء الصحابة
Author: Al-Imaam Muhammad bin Ahmad Adh-Dhahabi (D. 748H) | الاملم محمد بن محمد الحافظ الذهبي
Scribe: Unknown | مجهول
Date: 1310H | 1892CE
Script: Nasta’liq
Size: 32×19.5CM
Folios: [1]+220ff. +[1]

Description: 30 lines/ page | British or Indian laid paper (from British Empire probably), with three watermarks on the same type of paper: (1) An emblem of what appears to be “S” superimposed on “N” with “Fine” written above and “Foolscap” written below, a term to describe the type of manufactured paper, most commonly used in the British empire; (2) “H K” on top and “1884” below, this indicates the date of manufacture of the paper and the countermark of the papermaker HK; (3) A very large watermark of an Elephant being written by a royal – a hallmark of Indian royalty. | There are some repairs as the paper is very fine and silky. Full-leather binding in Western style retaining old leather cover of the boards in excellent condition with a small gilt/only Mandorla of a flower in the front and back of the cover. | The date on the title page is written as ١٢.١٠, 1210H would be too early for the paper which is dated by watermark as 1884 CE. According to Gacek (2012: 233) and Mitchell (1953:107), the ٢ in Ruq’ah script is the form of the number 3 and not the number 2, which has an upward curve in Ruq’ah rather than a downward curve. This would make more sense for the dating of this manuscript as 1310H or 1892CE given the paper type. The origin is probably from British India. | In the Colophon on Folio 220, the scribe notes that this is a Nuskhah is a Tahqeeq (checked) version of adh-Dhahabee’s Tajreed (Adh-Dhahabi wrote Tajreed as a summary of ‘Izzuddeen Ibn Al Atheer’s title) that has been checked using the manuscripts written by Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar and Badr-ud-deen Al-Bashtaki, which were based on the copy of the Muhaddith Ibn Al Waani.

Incipit:قال الشيخ الإمام العلامة الحافظ [..]

Explicit:تم الكتاب والحمد لله [..]

Provenance: N/A

Research Notes: There is a manuscript of this work in several libraries/catalogues: (1) ” al-Iṣāba fī tağrīd al-ṣaḥāba” in Bibliothèque nationale de France (Arabe 2013) and dated 712 H; (2) Chester Beatty (#3320); (3) Dhaahiryyiah Library in Damascus (#7831); (4) Al-Azhariyyah (# [158] 12235); (5) King Faisal Center for Islamic Research (ب 22210-22213); (6) King Abdul-Aziz Library (#320);

Accession #: Ms.005c