“Asking about individuals” – Shaykh Abdul Qaadir Al Junaid

Asking about individuals

By Shaykh Abdul Qaadir bin Muhammad Al Junaid

Notes (translation) by:

Akram an-Najdee


Duroos Yawm Al Jumu’ah – Al-Jumu’ah, 13th of Jumada Ath Thani, 1433 (May 4, 2012)

The Shaykh – hafidhahullah – spoke about the issue of brothers asking about the conditions of du’aat. He mentioned that many questions come about the Du’at in Saudi, Egypt, Europe, etc.


Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qaadir -hafidhahullah- mentioned that many people in our times will claim that they are Salafee or Sunni or Ahl Al Hadeeth, etc but the truth is that they are not upon it. The person who has understanding of the religion will be able to recognize those who are upon the Sunnah by several factors. One of these factors is when a person is firm upon a position and does not change or sway when there is Fitnah.


He mentioned a common saying amongst the Salaf: “إيًّاك والتلون”, Beware of “At-Talawwun” (Lit. changing colors, meaning changing positions). Yesterday so-and-so was saying that demonstrations and voting is Haraam, giving evidences and such. Today, so-and-so says demonstrations and voting is recommended, rather… obligatory! This is Talawwun as the Shaykh mentioned.


The Shaykh gave many examples regarding this issue. He stated that the affairs of people become clear when Fitnah is present.

I asked Shaykh ‘Abdul Qaadir two questions:


1) Some of the brothers will say that if a person takes the statement of a scholar upon a person without his evidence then he is a Muqallid, what is the advice to the people who say this?


The Shaykh replied: Alllah obligated us to return to the People of knowledge if we do not know. The laypeople are not scholars or even students of knowledge that they require to hear every evidence. The Sahaabah were not asked for evidences from the laypeople when they were asked and gave rulings in this manner. So the obligation is to return to the people of knowledge.


2) What is the ruling of the statement: “The speech of the contemporaries on each other is left off and not reported”?


The Shaykh responded to this statement… what does “contemporaries” mean? It means those who are equals. It is not how some people intend to negate the speech of scholars on du’aat. If a person refutes another and he is his equal, we look into what the refutation is for. However, when a scholar refutes a person who is not equal in knowledge to him, then we don’t say “the speech of the contemporaries is left off and not reported”.